This is the home of radical pleasure.

High atop the hills of Los Angeles, hidden by a lush orchard and dense gardens, Flamingo Estate is a pleasure-obsessed home of sun-worship, folk mythologies, and psychedelic remedies grown only by farmers we know and trust.

Flamingo Estate
Welcome Home.

Flamingo Estate is my home and garden. But it’s more than that, too. It’s the story of a lush orchard and pleasure garden on a California hillside overlooking Los Angeles, and the many hands that have helped tend it. It’s a philosophy that champions slow ways and ancient practices. It’s a quest for intimacy — between plants and people, body and spirit, heaven and earth.

Flamingo Estate

Flamingo Estate is a reminder that beauty is not so much the penchant of certain people for exceptional things, as it is their refusal to stand for anything less.

Flamingo Estate

With the help of our friends and a network of incredible farmers, we grow sage for soap and tomatoes for candles. We harvest salt from the cliffs of Big Sur and press olive oil from very old trees and keep bees for honey. In all of it, we’re invested in pleasure — for ourselves and our clients and friends — because we think it’s a path to radical change and cataclysmic beauty.

Things here take time and patience, and they’re meant to. There’s dreaming involved, and growing, and trial and error. There are skilled hands of expert purveyors at the helm of every bar of soap, every drop of oil, and there’s wisdom imbued in each product’s story. If something feels expensive here, it’s because these things are rare.

Flamingo Estate

If you’re here, it’s because you believe in the power of the human hand, in collaboration with Mother Nature, to make beauty. We’re the ardent dreamers, the fantasists, the wizards in the workshop, and we’re all doing it for the marvels of the natural world.

You can always contact me directly at [email protected].

Flamingo Estate
Every Friday
I write a letter from the garden.
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